Business Archives - Thu, 29 Jun 2023 14:28:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Business Archives - 32 32 215682433 Thames Water: According to the minister, customers’ bills won’t be impacted Thu, 29 Jun 2023 14:28:11 +0000 In response to concerns that Thames Water could fail, health minister Neil O’Brien has sought...

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In response to concerns that Thames Water could fail, health minister Neil O’Brien has sought to reassure customers about their bills and water supply.

According to their bills or availability to water, “absolutely nothing is going to change,” he told Sky News.

Plans were in place “to handle any challenging situations,” he added.

The largest water provider in the UK, which provides services to a quarter of the country’s residents, is attempting to get additional cash as it struggles to pay its bills.

On Wednesday, the government declared that in the worst-case scenario, if Thames Water failed, it would be prepared to take action.

According to Labour MP and Chair of the Business and Trade Committee Darren Jones, “taxpayers will be exposed to the debt and running costs of a very large company” if the government is compelled to take over the management of Thames Water.

According to reports, the corporation is having trouble finding the funding it needs to pay down its $14 billion debt load. The rate of inflation, which has increased dramatically over the past year, is correlated with interest payments on more than half of its debt.

Thames Water has “significant issues to address” and needs to strengthen its “financial resilience,” according to water regulator Ofwat.

It did mention that the business still has access to finances, though. “It has £4.4 billion in cash and committed funding, including £500 million in recent additional shareholder funding.”

Ofwat further stated that it would keep a close eye on the financial stability of UK water firms to make sure “they have the financial backing to deliver for customers and the environment”.

The government was “carefully monitoring” the issue, according to the prime minister’s official spokeswoman, but Ofwat should “in the first instance” be keeping an eye on the financial stability of water providers.

“Ofwat are focused on doing their job to keep companies’ financial resilience under close scrutiny,” the statement continued.

Due to increased debt interest rates and costs like higher energy and chemical prices, other water firms are also under comparable challenges. Last year, Ofwat expressed concern about the financial stability of Thames Water, Yorkshire Water, SES, Southern, and Portsmouth Water.

Yorkshire Water stated that it saw the need of having “robust financial structures in place and we’ve listened to Ofwat’s concerns and taken action,” while Southern Water informed the BBC that its shareholders “continue to be supportive of the business and its financial resilience.”

Ofwat had expressed reservations over the building of a new reservoir, but Portsmouth Water claimed that since the regulator’s remarks, finance for the project had been acquired.

The current economic situation, according to SES Water, has “proved to be a challenge,” but the company is “confident that its financial standing remains strong.”

A number of sewage breaches and releases have led to harsh criticism of Thames Water’s performance. More water escapes from the corporation than from any other UK water utility.

The business has stated that it will keep Ofwat updated on its fundraising efforts.

However, in the event that the company is unable to raise further funds, it may be temporarily taken over by the government until a new buyer is identified, under a special administration regime. Bulb, an energy provider, experienced this in 2021 after experiencing financial troubles.

After only two years in the position, Thames Water’s chief executive Sarah Bentley resigned on Tuesday. It happened a few weeks after she was instructed to decline her bonus due to the way the business handled sewage spills.

She left the company, but the company didn’t explain why. Ms. Bentley had earlier this year attributed the company’s poor performance to sewage management mistakes made before she came.

According to The Times, City veteran Sir Adrian Montague is being considered to succeed Ian Marchant, who was named chairman in 2018, as chairman of Thames Water.

Sir Adrian has already been asked to assist the government. In order to find a solution when British Energy had financial difficulties in 2002, he was appointed chairman of the nuclear power plant operator in the UK.

Inordinate payments
Given the firms’ records on leaks and sewage discharges, there has been criticism of the amount of money paid to investors, through dividends, and to executives since the water companies were privatised.

Water firms have distributed £50.6 billion in dividends between 1991 and 2021.

There is “no doubt there have been excessive payments to executives,” according to Conservative MP and chair of the Environmental Audit Committee Philip Dunne.

“Keep in mind that water firms don’t need to worry about their top line because it is delivered every day without them having to do the job that typical businesses must do, which is for management to concentrate on creating income. Of course, as soon as everyone turns on their taps and begins drinking water, money starts to flow in.

The cost to the taxpayers would likely not be high if the government was compelled to take over the management of Thames Water, according to Prof. David Hall of the University of Greenwich.

He told that if the company enters special administration, the shareholders will suffer because that is what shareholders are for.

Then, instead of renationalization, you should create regional local authority bodies to take over, and you should transfer the corporation to those regional local authorities as a going concern. That is how the rest of the world operates.

A spokesperson for the clean water movement, Feargal Sharkey, told that “no public funds should be used for any kind of bailout for these companies.”

The performer continued by saying that the government may resolve the issue by issuing an enforcement order that would specify how to invest and how to pay off debts.

“The stockholders who invested relatively little money in these companies may suffer greatly as a result. The final result will be debt-free, big, productive firms with a forward-looking outlook, even if it takes five or ten years.

A “strong safety net” was required, according to the Consumer Council for Water (CCW), which speaks for water customers, to shield poor homes from any bill increases that would be used to finance investment.

“Nearly one in four households say they are currently struggling to pay their water bill amid the cost of living crisis, and this will add to their worries,” senior director Mike Keil said.

Water bills have increased, with the average household’s annual bill in England and Wales reaching £448 in 2016.

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Amazon is charged with deceiving Prime subscribers Thu, 22 Jun 2023 04:37:50 +0000 Amazon has been accused by the US of misleading people into signing up for Prime...

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Amazon has been accused by the US of misleading people into signing up for Prime subscriptions that automatically renew and making it tough to cancel.

The allegations were made in a complaint filed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer rights watchdog.

It referred to purportedly “manipulative” internet layouts.

The claims were dismissed by Amazon, which referred to them as “false on the facts and the law.”

Over 200 million people worldwide are Prime subscribers. The programme costs $139 a year or $14.99 a month in the US and £95 a year in the UK. It includes shipping benefits, access to streaming films and other advantages.

According to the FTC, Amazon employed website layouts that pressured users to sign up for Prime and have their subscriptions renew automatically when they made purchases.

Because “those changes would also negatively affect Amazon’s bottom line”, the agency claimed in the complaint, which was filed in federal court in Seattle, the corporation tried to make it impossible for consumers to opt out of auto-enrolment.

The FTC said that Amazon subjected consumers who wanted to cancel to a lengthy “four-page, six-click, fifteen option” procedure that was internally referred to as “Iliad” in honour of the Greek classic about the “long, arduous Trojan War”.

The FTC claimed that while Amazon changing the cancellation process just before the lawsuit was filed, the company’s methods violated regulations meant to safeguard consumers.

According to FTC Chair Lina Khan, “Amazon tricked and trapped people into recurring subscriptions without their consent, frustrating users and costing them significant money.”

The FTC is requesting both a court order requiring Amazon to alter its practises and unspecified monetary penalties.

Amazon claimed that when the case was unexpectedly filed, it was in the middle of resolving the problems with the agency.

Customers adore Prime, and we intentionally make it easy and simple for them to join up for or cancel their membership, according to the business.

Online businesses have received many warnings from the FTC not to use “dark patterns” to trick customers.

Since 2021, it had been looking into the Amazon Prime scheme.

It said that the business had repeatedly tried to stall the investigation, including by failing to submit documents on time.

Insider Intelligence senior analyst Evelyn Mitchell-Wolf claimed that the FTC was “making an example of Amazon” by doing this.

She noted that it was typical for businesses to make it more challenging to cancel an account than it is to open one.

vigourous policing

President Joe Biden selected Ms. Khan to her position, and she gained notoriety for criticising US competition law in relation to Amazon.

She has pledged to act more firmly to check internet sales and the influence of American IT corporations.

The case represents the third FTC action against Amazon in recent weeks.

In order to resolve allegations that it had broken child privacy regulations by retaining recordings made by kids on Alexa, the corporation agreed to pay $25 million last month.

It agreed to pay an additional $5.8 million to settle allegations that Ring, the doorbell business Amazon bought in 2018, had broken privacy laws by granting workers unlimited access to customer footage and failed to take security measures against hackers.

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Elon Musk’s’successful failure’ formula is illustrated by the SpaceX rocket explosion Fri, 21 Apr 2023 07:25:56 +0000 A “successful failure” business strategy that benefits Elon Musk’s company is illustrated most vividly by...

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A “successful failure” business strategy that benefits Elon Musk’s company is illustrated most vividly by the dramatic explosion of SpaceX’s new Starship rocket minutes after it took off on a first flight test, experts said on Thursday.

Experts claimed the spectacular loss of the rocket ship will assist drive development of the vehicle rather than seeing the burning destruction of Musk’s enormous, next-generation Starship system as a negative.

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The media’s coverage of the eagerly awaited launch was dominated by pictures of the Starship spinning out of control while attached to its Super Heavy rocket booster before the entire vehicle exploded.

SpaceX admitted that several of the Super Heavy’s 33 very effective Raport engines had problems during ascent and that the booster rocket and Starship had not been able to separate properly before the unfortunate voyage was aborted.

SpaceX admitted that several of the Super Heavy’s 33 very effective Raport engines had problems during ascent and that the booster rocket and Starship had not been able to separate properly before the unfortunate voyage was aborted.

Musk, the founder, CEO, and chief engineer of the California-based rocket business SpaceX, and other company officials applauded the test flight for accomplishing the main goal of getting the vehicle off the ground while also giving a lot of information that would improve Starship’s development.


At least two planetary science and aerospace engineering specialists who talked with Reuters concurred that the test flight was successful.

“This is a classic SpaceX successful failure,” said Garrett Reisman, a professor of astronautical engineering at the University of Southern California and senior adviser to SpaceX. Reisman is a former NASA astronaut.

The Starship test flight was cited by Reisman as an example of a SpaceX strategy that distinguishes Musk’s business from more established aerospace firms and even NASA by “this embracing of failure when the consequences of failure are low.”

The rocket was launched from the Gulf Coast Starbase facility in south Texas without any astronauts on board, and it was nearly fully flown over water to prevent potential injuries or property damage on the ground from falling debris.

“Even though that rocket costs a lot of money, what really costs a lot of money are people’s salaries,” Reisman said in an interview with Reuters hours after Thursday’s launch.

Reisman claimed that by taking more risks during the development phase as opposed to having “a large team working for years and years and years trying to get it perfect before you even try it,” SpaceX ends up saving more money over the long term and identifying and fixing engineering issues more quickly.

Reisman stated that the timing for transporting individuals (aboard Starship) is currently expedited in comparison to how it was a few hours ago.

On the first flight of such a big, complicated launch system, planetary scientist Tanya Harrison, a fellow at the University of British Columbia’s Outer Space Institute, noted that clearing the launch tower and ascending past a crucial point known as maximum aerodynamic pressure were enormous feats.

She stated in an interview, “It’s a part of the testing process.” “There are a lot of accidents that occur when you’re attempting to construct a new rocket. Many folks were quite delighted that it even launched at all.

The hazards of a single flying test, according to her, pale in compared to the significant advantages at stake.

She said, “This is the biggest rocket that humanity has tried to build,” pointing out that it is intended to transport “orders of magnitude” more cargo and passengers to and from deep space than any current ship.

Harrison explained that Starship will carry back many tons of rock in addition to carrying dozens of astronauts and entire lab facilities to and from the moon and Mars, while NASA is working on a mission to retrieve samples of Martian soil and minerals measured in kilograms that the Mars Perseverance rover is collecting.

Starship, according to Musk, is essential to SpaceX’s interplanetary exploration objectives as well as its more immediate launch business. Commercial satellites, science telescopes, and eventually paying space travelers are anticipated to use the totally reusable rocket system to get to space.

Harrison remarked that “it wouldn’t surprise me if we had humans on Mars with Starship in the next decade.” He cited SpaceX’s quick rate of development since its foundation in 2002, which has led to dozens of commercial missions each year with its workhorse rocket for low-Earth orbit, the Falcon 9.

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The chance to buy Infosys will come if its price drops by 15% to 20%: Sabharwal Sandip Mon, 17 Apr 2023 08:00:23 +0000 After the first quarter, Sandip Sabharwal of predicts there may be no further earnings...

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After the first quarter, Sandip Sabharwal of predicts there may be no further earnings reductions. When you wish to purchase these stocks, it becomes crucial. Regardless of the news flow, if Infosys drops from its 1,400-odd level by 15-20%, you should purchase because the worst possible news is already built in. That is how we must approach these substantial IT stocks.

This is the first occasion that the management of IT corporations has publicly acknowledged a problem. We had a conversation with you about this a year ago. These equities had been penalized by the markets for the previous six to eight months. Are we approaching the point where you have to accept the management’s bad news or are we in for a lengthy winter?
The winter will not endure too long, but it will continue for a while. Because IT spending, especially the discretionary side, has a lot to do with sentiments, people need to understand that this phenomenon will last at least one or two quarters. We all assume that businesses and their management make logical judgments, but many of these choices are also influenced by how they see the future. This perception is now more unfavorable than what might actually occur. The management of these IT organizations are now aware of it to some level. I’ve been stating for a while that if people accept the truth, the stock price will rise to levels that could be considered buy levels. That’s where we are, in my opinion.

regardless of the news flow, you buy when the 1,400-odd level drops 15-20% since the worst bad news is built in. Because these companies have no debt, generate enormous amounts of cash, engage in regular buybacks, and distribute significant dividends, that is how we must trade these large IT stocks because we cannot be persistently bearish on these corporations.

However, the scenario is now unfavorable, and based on what these managements are saying, things could get a little worse.

Let’s think of it in terms of levels. Brokerages have taken to cutting the price objectives down with knives. When it comes to IT, everyone has experienced a downgrade since last year. Is it currently too late to sell?

You might decide not to invest since the stock might decline by 5% or 10%, but when the turn does happen, it will be equally sharp.

Yes, I will advise that long-term investors shouldn’t sell Infosys even if it opens 10% lower than what the ADR predicted. Perhaps another 10% could be lost from that, but I do not see it sliding any lower than that. Therefore, those looking to buy should wait. There are numerous other industries that currently provide better career chances. For those who held onto their investments and held off on selling from 1,800, 1,900, or whatever top it reached, until 1,200. They have no reason to sell at 1200.

DLF recently achieved record sales in the luxury sector. The growth coming from Kolte-Patil is unprecedented. In my conversations with Prestige, they also refer to record booking and record coaching. What is the source of the growth? Although there is talk of a slowdown, job losses, and the effects of increased interest rates, real estate companies are only doing things correctly.

The economy is shaped like a K, with luxury vehicles, four-wheelers, and consumer durables all experiencing declines, but sales of luxury brands are reaching all-time highs in India. This luxury sales craze is a world-wide phenomenon. That is a characteristic of the K-shaped economic model. Since many pre-sales need to be transformed into cash flows and actual deliveries, real estate is currently a challenging investment. We have frequently observed in the past that events frequently do not proceed exactly as they are supposed to.

Since you explicitly questioned about DLF, they are in a good position. That business has controlled its balance sheet, among other things, and has been quite cautious in recent years. Like you indicated and the corporate management mentioned, many of the new projects are selling out very quickly. Therefore, I believe that there is opportunity in a few stocks, and DLF may be added on top of it.

Given that the shares of HDFC Bank has already reached a 52-week high, what should you do at this time? It increased by roughly 7-9% in the past month alone. What happens next, given that the Street expectations were a touch too high and that HDFC Bank has successfully met the projections so far?

The outcomes didn’t have any drawbacks. People are searching for drawbacks. There weren’t any drawbacks. Data on credit growth has previously been released. All factors are favorable, and they could deliver significantly on the net interest. The major concern at the moment is what will happen after the merger with HDFC, when they would need to generate a sizable amount of CASA deposits. That is not how you can grow. Since they are a phenomenon with stable growth that results from long-term client acquisition, the majority of it will likely come from fixed deposits with higher interest rates, which will have an immediate negative impact on their net interest margins.

Furthermore, if they receive any leniency on specific points, the entire HDFC book will still need to adhere to the SLR, CRR, etc. criteria. Since there has been no word of any RBI easing, we must wait and watch.

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Ford makes hands-free driving available on UK highways Fri, 14 Apr 2023 15:08:54 +0000 Following the UK’s approval of Ford’s BlueCruise technology, drivers will be allowed to lawfully take...

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Following the UK’s approval of Ford’s BlueCruise technology, drivers will be allowed to lawfully take their hands off the wheel while driving.

The use of the “hands-off, eyes-on” technology on several roadways has been allowed by ministers.

While a camera will keep a watch on the driver’s eyes to ensure they remain aware, it can regulate steering, acceleration, and braking.

The technology will initially only be offered for Ford’s electric Mustang Mach-E SUV versions from 2023.

In traffic congestion, it also implies that the model may maintain a safe distance from other vehicles and even bring them to a complete stop.

It is crucial to remember that this is not a self-driving car, but rather “the next development in assisted driving technology,” according to Thatcham Research, an automotive research company.

The fact that drivers will be able to take their hands off the wheel for the first time ever distinguishes it from other situations. But they must keep their focus on the road in front of them, ” said Tom Leggett, a Thatcham automotive technology specialist.

Crucially, the motorist is not allowed to use a phone, doze off, or engage in any activity that diverts their attention from the road, he continued.

The hands-off technology in the £50,830 Ford will be free for the first 90 days, after which time users must pay up for a monthly subscription.

The new model has begun to be delivered since last month. It can travel at a top speed of 80 mph and makes use of cameras and sensors to identify lane markings, speed signs, other vehicles’ locations, and speeds.

“The newest advanced driver assistance systems make driving smoother and easier, but they can also help make roads safer by reducing scope for driver error,” said Transport Minister Jesse Norman.

According to Lisa Brankin, managing director of Ford in Britain and Ireland, the car will only take control when “the system feels it’s safe” in specific “blue zones” that have been determined to be secure along 2,300 miles of pre-mapped motorways in England, Scotland, and Wales.

“If your eyes are closed, the vehicle will signal for you to take the wheel and take control… If the driver doesn’t answer, the car will gradually slow down until it comes to a stop, she explained.

She continues by saying that as the technology “does not support autonomous driving,” the driver will still be entirely liable for insurance claims in the event of an accident.

As a “Level 2” driver assistance system, Ford’s BlueCruise technology still depends on a human driver to take over in the event of an accident.

According to the Society of Automotive Engineers, there are six stages of autonomous driving:

  • Level 0: Very limited automation, including features like automated brakes that offer some alerts or assistance.
  • Level 1: Driver aid, in which a single aspect is controlled by technology, such as cruise control
  • Level 2: Partial automation, in which at least two parts of driving are managed by technology, such as speed control and self-parking.
  • Level 3: Conditional automation, in which almost all driving decisions are made by technology, but the driver must still be there to correct any potential errors. At this point, drivers may occasionally avert their eyes from the road.
  • Level 4: High automation, when technology typically doesn’t need human contact. Currently, this is only possible in a few locations with low speed restrictions and clearly marked roads. Regulation currently limits this kind of automation.
  • Level 5: Complete automation, where no driver assistance is required at all
  • Since 2021, Ford’s technology has been accessible in the US and Canada. According to the article, more than 190,000 Ford and Lincoln vehicles have used the technology to go more than 60 million miles over the past couple of years without any incidents being reported.

The first technology authorised for hands-free driving in the UK is Ford’s BlueCruise. On UK highways, it will allow drivers to take their hands off the wheel at speeds of up to 70 mph for possibly hundreds of miles. But how sophisticated is it?

Today, a lot of cars have level 2 vehicle autonomy. Although they can brake, steer, and accelerate on their own, the driver must always be in charge and paying attention.

Level 2 still applies to Ford’s BlueCruise and Tesla’s Autopilot, for instance. This is due to the fact that the driver must still pay attention, and measures are in place to make sure they do.

Mercedes has created the most cutting-edge system currently available. Drive Pilot is a system that enables drivers to take their hands off the wheel and focus totally on something else, including watching films.

However, it can only operate at a certain pace and in certain “geo-fenced” zones. It is accessible in Germany and Nevada but has not yet received approval for use in the UK.

Presentational grey line of 2 px
After safety regulators expressed concerns that it could let drivers to go over the posted speed limit or navigate junctions dangerously, Tesla, which has been testing autonomous cars in the US, recently issued a recall affecting 363,000 vehicles.

Despite the “safety benefits” that technology aspects of assisted driving or lane positioning systems would provide, according to Edmund King, drivers must remain vigilant.

It shouldn’t mislead drivers into believing they are safe. The driver retains control of the vehicle even when using hands-free technology, according to Mr. King.

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A significant technological event for bitcoin is one year away. History indicates the beginning of a new bull run Wed, 12 Apr 2023 10:13:56 +0000 Vital point: At the beginning of the year, Bitcoin has increased by 80%. History demonstrates...

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Vital point: At the beginning of the year, Bitcoin has increased by 80%. History demonstrates that the Bitcoin typically performs well before its alleged “halving.

The incentives for successfully mining new bitcoin are cut in half every four years due to the bitcoin halving. The goal is to gradually decrease the supply of bitcoin.

The price of bitcoin rose by 19% from the same day a year prior on May 11, 2020, before the last halving.

Although there are other factors that affect price, the halving is a significant event for investors and essential to the case for bitcoin as a store of value due to its restricted quantity.

A significant technical development for Bitcoin is still over a year away, and it might serve as the impetus for a sustained increase in the value of the cryptocurrency.

The next so-called “halving” of bitcoin is anticipated to occur in April or May 2024, however the precise date is not yet known.

Although a likely U.S. Federal Reserve interest rate cut competes with the risk of slow growth and tightened credit conditions brought on by problems in the banking sector, bitcoin has been gaining in recent weeks in anticipation of the halving.

Data from CoinGecko shows that as of Wednesday morning, one bitcoin was worth almost $30,000. From the beginning of the year, the largest cryptocurrency in the world has increased by more than 80%.

The rise in the price of bitcoin above $30,000 at a period of bank failures and economic unpredictability, according to Vijay Ayyar, vice president of corporate development and international at cryptocurrency exchange Luno, indicates that the cyclical “bottom” for bitcoin is emerging.

Ayyar told CNBC via email that “this tends to happen a year or so prior to the Bitcoin halving event, which is scheduled for approximately April 2024.”

What does halving bitcoin mean?

A Bitcoin halving occurs every 210,000 new “blocks” that are added to the blockchain, or roughly every four years. The occasion reduces by 50% the rewards given to bitcoin miners, who work voluntarily to validate network transactions and create new currencies using specialised equipment. The goal is to limit the quantity of brand-new bitcoin units that are placed onto the market.

For every successfully mined block, bitcoin miners currently receive 6.25 bitcoin. This indicates that their machine had sufficient processing capacity to solve the cryptographic conundrums that guard the bitcoin network and keep it safe from hostile actors.

This prize will be cut in half at the subsequent bitcoin halving, reaching 3.125 bitcoin.

Supporters of the cryptocurrency claim that by increasing the scarcity of bitcoin, this will help drive up the price.

21 million bitcoins are the absolute most that will ever be in circulation. This is ensured by the halving mechanism, which reduces mining rewards for bitcoin to zero ultimately.

According to data from CCData, the price of bitcoin climbed by 19% in the previous 12 months, from $7,191.36 to $8,568.88, before the most recent halving, which happened on May 11, 2020.

The halving before that, which took place on July 9, 2016, saw a rise in bitcoin of 142% over the previous year, from $269.14 to $651.83.

Bitcoin halving occasions and record highs

According to CCData’s statistics, the price of bitcoin increased by 384% to $12.35 from $2.55 after the first-ever halving on November 28, 2012.

Although the precise timing and magnitude of returns after halving can vary, it appears that investors frequently accumulate Bitcoin in the lead-up to the event, according to Jamie Sly, analyst at CryptoCompare, who spoke to CNBC.

“The accumulating period has typically lasted at least 500 days from the market bottom following the breakout to the halve date.”

Sly continued, “This would suggest that we are only 142 days into the current cycle if we were to assume that the market bottom for this cycle was in November of last year (when Bitcoin hit a yearly low of $15,760). This would be in line with the following anticipated Bitcoin halving date, which is 378 days away.

Gains since the halving of Bitcoin

In the months that follow the price halving, bitcoin often experiences an even greater increase.

Since its inception, Bitcoin has climbed to record highs.

According to CCData, the cryptocurrency rose 688.31% in the 546 days that followed the May 11, 2020, halving, to hit a then-record high of $67,549.14 on November 8, 2021.

Before to it, on July 9, 2016, there was a halving that caused bitcoin to soar 2,824% to an all-time high of $19,065.71 by mid-December 2017.

A turbulent 2022 for bitcoin was marked by the demise of important businesses and initiatives, including the stablecoin terraUSD and the cryptocurrency exchange FTX.

Higher interest rates in the US and other major nations as a result of rising inflation drove investors away from bitcoin and other risky assets.

As a result, the prices of numerous popular digital currencies have fallen precipitously from their record highs.

Bitcoin is still down more than 50% from its highs in November 2021, despite its latest rise near $30,000.

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]]> 0 1448
Whole Foods shutters its flagship location in San Francisco after a year, citing worker safety Wed, 12 Apr 2023 10:04:11 +0000 A massive Whole Foods in downtown San Francisco that only recently built is momentarily closed....

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A massive Whole Foods in downtown San Francisco that only recently built is momentarily closed. The business claimed that worker safety issues compelled them to close. Despite the fact that crime has largely decreased over the last six years, theft incidents in San Francisco have drawn attention from throughout the country.

A Whole Foods representative stated that the closure of the almost 65,000 square foot store at Trinity Place in the city’s Mid-Market neighbourhood was necessary to “protect the safety” of its staff. The representative for Whole Foods said it was a “tough decision to close the Trinity location for the time being,” even though the company withheld any further details regarding the circumstances that led to the store closing. Employees impacted will be moved to neighbouring businesses.

The store at 8th and Market streets won’t be operating on Tuesday, according to the spokeswoman. Also gone is the store’s website.

The Whole Foods was one of the biggest supermarkets in downtown San Francisco when it opened in March 2022 and was hailed as a “flagship shop.” According to a news release, the store included 3,700 locally produced goods and was built with ‘nods to historic San Francisco’.

According to The San Francisco Standard, an independent news source, this Whole Foods store has already cut back on hours due to theft and remodelled its facilities after staff discovered syringes and pipes.

Matt Dorsey, a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, tweeted that the closure left him “very upset.”

“Our community waited a long time for this supermarket, but we are also well aware of the troubles they have encountered with drug-related retail thievery, nearby drug markets, and the various safety hazards associated to them,” wrote Dorsey.

Because of multiple eye-catching recordings of criminals in action, property crimes in San Francisco have attracted national attention. The city had a 23% increase in property crimes between 2020 and 2022, with surges in burglary and theft serving as the surge’s focal points, according to data from the San Francisco Police Department. This increase was still significantly below 2017 levels.

Statistics on violent crime in San Francisco, though, have remained largely stable in recent years. 12 homicides have been reported in San Francisco so far this year, according to preliminary police data, a 20% increase from the same time last year. In all, San Francisco witnessed 56 homicides in 2022, matching the number of homicides the city recorded in 2021.

National merchants have been complained about thefts that have affected locations in recent months. In response, chains recruited more security guards and locked up common items like toothpaste and deodorant. The impact of the thefts, however, might have been exaggerated, a Walgreens executive recently acknowledged.

Temporarily closing in October 2022 due to theft and staff safety concerns, a Cotopaxi store in San Francisco reopened in the middle of November.

At the time, the “large-scale theft and raiding” put the store’s employees in danger, according to Cotopaxi CEO Davis Smith in a LinkedIn post. However he said that he lamented the fact that the closure of the store sparked a political argument over crime in San Francisco and other places.

“We had many rushing to our support, others who felt upset by my article, and a few who politicised our store’s closure,” Smith wrote. “Unfortunately, these are the times we live in. For the record, I had no idea that the closure of our Hayes Valley store would arouse political controversy.

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AI: Chinese tech giant Alibaba will release a ChatGPT competitor Tue, 11 Apr 2023 08:54:34 +0000 Alibaba, a leading technology company in China, has revealed intentions to release Tongyi Qianwen, a...

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Alibaba, a leading technology company in China, has revealed intentions to release Tongyi Qianwen, a ChatGPT-like artificial intelligence (AI) product.

The chatbot will be integrated throughout Alibaba’s businesses in the “near future,” according to its cloud computing section, which did not provide specifics on when this will happen.

Technology firms from all around the world have recently revealed their own “generative AI chatbots” in recent months.

Alibaba stated earlier this year that it was developing a ChatGPT competitor.

Although Alibaba has not provided an English translation of the name, Tongyi Qianwen loosely translates as seeking an answer by asking a thousand questions.”

Tongyi Qianwen was introduced with a statement from Alibaba’s chairman and chief executive, Daniel Zhang, that “we are at a technological watershed moment driven by generative AI and cloud computing.”

Tongyi Qianwen, which can operate in both Chinese and English, will initially be added to DingTalk, Alibaba’s office messaging app, according to the business.

The company stated that it will carry out a variety of activities, including as recording meeting interactions into notes, composing emails, and creating business proposals.

Alibaba claimed that it would also be incorporated into Tmall Genie, a smart speaker with Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant.

Since the November release of ChatGPT by Microsoft-backed OpenAI, interest in generative AI has increased.

Generative AI has the capacity to learn from the past to produce content that is indistinguishable from that produced by humans.

Using the internet as it was in 2021 as its database, ChatGPT may replicate various writing styles and respond to questions in a manner that is natural and human-like.

The technology, on which Microsoft has spent billions of dollars, was included into its Bing search engine in February.

The US software behemoth also said that it would incorporate ChatGPT into its Office suite of programs, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

Both Chinese tech giant Baidu and Alphabet’s Google have made announcements about their own AI models and comparable chatbots.

China’s cyberspace authority issued drafted regulations for controlling generative AI on Tuesday.

According to the proposed regulations, businesses would be in charge of ensuring the reliability of the data used to train the technology, according to China’s Cyberspace Administration.

The general public has until May 10 to comment on the suggestions.

A group of prominent tech sector professionals demanded last month that training for potent AI systems be stopped out of concern for the safety of mankind.

Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, and Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple, were among those to sign an open letter warning of potential dangers and claiming that the race to develop AI systems is out of control.

A recent analysis from the investment bank Goldman Sachs claimed that 300 million full-time jobs might be replaced by AI.

Early this month, Italy became the first Western country to block ChatGPT, citing privacy concerns from the nation’s data protection body.

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According to the IMF, interest rates will likely drop to pre-Covid levels Tue, 11 Apr 2023 08:39:27 +0000 Due to poor productivity and ageing populations, interest rates in major economies are predicted to...

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Due to poor productivity and ageing populations, interest rates in major economies are predicted to drop to pre-pandemic levels.

Increases in borrowing costs are anticipated to be “temporary,” according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), once excessive inflation is brought under control.

Since December 2021, the Bank of England has gradually increased interest rates, bringing them from 0.1% to 4.25%.

As a result, many homeowners now have higher mortgage payments.

In order to slow the rate of price increases, sometimes known as inflation, central banks in the US, the UK, Europe, and other countries have raised interest rates.

The UK’s inflation rate has reached its highest level in almost 40 years as a result of rising energy and food prices. Inflation is being fueled by a number of factors, including the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, which has increased energy prices.

The IMF, however, stated that “recent increases in real interest rates are likely to be temporary” in a blog post.

The statement said, “When inflation is brought under control, central banks of advanced economies are likely to ease monetary policy and bring real interest rates back to pre-pandemic levels.”

However, the precise date that interest rates will return to lower levels was not provided by the IMF.

The banking company based in Washington claimed that one factor that will probably cut inflation would be an older population.

George Godber, a portfolio manager at Polar Capital, explained that elderly individuals have an impact on inflation since they often spend less.

In his words, “The amount that you spend relative to your income is highest when you’re in your 20s, 30s, and 40s – often that’s maybe young families, when you’ve got households forming, you’ve got couples coming together, they tend to spend the most when they decorate and buy a car or whatever, and you as you get older in life you slow down your consumption.”

Because fewer people are going to Glastonbury and having evenings out, more people are staying in and watching Antiques Roadshow. As a result, spending habits tend to change and more people conserve money.

The Bank of England governor, Andrew Bailey, recently stated that the percentage of adults in the UK between the ages of 20 and 59 has decreased to below 65% over the past ten years and “is set to decline further in the coming years.”

In addition to individuals living longer, he claimed that this has been caused by a fall in birth rates.

Low productivity, which is a measure of how many goods and services are created, would lower inflation, according to the IMF.

In a speech last month, Mr. Bailey claimed that the UK’s industrial sector had increased productivity before the financial crisis of 2008 hit.

“However, manufacturing productivity growth dramatically slowed down after the financial crisis. The fundamental reason behind the slowdown, according to him, is this decline in manufacturing productivity.

The UK’s interest rate was 0.75% just before the Covid epidemic, but the Bank of England reduced it twice to 0.1% in March 2020 as the nation went into lockdown.

Over the previous two years, inflation has increased gradually and reached 10.4% in February, which is more than five times the Bank of England’s 2% target.

The Bank of England declared that it anticipated inflation “to fall sharply over the rest of the year” after the decision to increase UK interest rates once more in March.

This is because wholesale petrol prices are declining and the government continues to provide assistance with residential heating bills through the Energy Price Guarantee programme.

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ADIF, a startup policy think tank, has urged CCI to examine Google’s user choice billing Thu, 06 Apr 2023 09:07:50 +0000 Google had previously announced that, in order to comply with CCI’s directives, it would allow...

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Google had previously announced that, in order to comply with CCI’s directives, it would allow app developers to offer an alternate billing system for in-app purchases within India beginning April 26, 2023.

The Alliance of Digital India Foundation (ADIF), a New Delhi policy think tank comprised of prominent Indian internet companies such as Matrimony, Paytm, MapmyIndia, TrulyMadly, and other local entrepreneurs, announced on April 5 that it has asked the CCI (Competition Commission of India) to investigate Google’s user choice billing system “immediately.”

In order to comply with CCI’s directives, Google announced in February 2023 that it will allow app developers to offer an alternate billing system for in-app purchases within India beginning April 26, 2023.

According to the new policy, if a user pays through the alternative billing system (also known as the User Choice billing system), the transaction will still incur a service fee, but at a 4 percent lower rate.

This effectively means that developers will have to pay Google a service fee ranging from 6-26 percent for in-app purchases and subscriptions, depending on the type of app/service and the annual revenue it generates on Google Play, rather than the standard 10-30 percent service fee.

Following the CCI’s antitrust order on Play billing, Google paused the enforcement of its in-app billing policy in India in November 2022. For users outside of India, the policy is already mandatory for in-app digital content purchases.

CCI directed Google in October 2022 not to prohibit app developers from using third-party billing or payment processing services to purchase apps or for in-app billing on Google Play, in addition to a variety of corrective measures to modify the company’s app payment policies.

It also fined Google Rs 936.44 crore for abusing its dominant position in the Play Store’s policies.

‘Abusive dominance behaviour’

Google’s plan to implement the user choice billing system in India is referred to by ADIF as a “abusive dominance practise” by the company.

“Unfortunately, there is no quorum at the CCI; and thus Google is taking advantage of an institutional lacunae, bringing in user choice billing in haste, harming the start-up story, and also disregarding the CCI order,” the think tank said in a statement.

It also mentioned Twitter Blue, the social media platform’s subscription service, which has different pricing on the web and its mobile app to compensate for the 15-30% commission fee charged by Google and Apple on subscriptions.

Twitter Blue is currently available in India for Rs 650 per month on the web and Rs 900 per month on mobile devices. Moneycontrol reported on March 29 that Facebook parent Meta’s paid subscription service Meta Verified will also be available for a monthly fee of Rs 1,099 on the web and Rs 1,499 on the mobile app.

“This would deprive Indian app developers and startups of a significant portion of their revenue and would render many young startups’ business models unviable, particularly those that rely on in-app purchases, paid apps, or subscriptions,” it said.

Google, on the other hand, has maintained that the service fee it charges is never just for payment processing. “It reflects the value provided by Android and Google Play, as well as all of the developer services we offer, such as app distribution and discovery, the commerce platform, developer tools, analytics, training, and more,” a Google spokesperson said earlier.

In terms of app downloads and users, India is one of Google Play’s most important markets. The country is also emerging as a key monetisation opportunity for Google Play, owing to the country’s increasing adoption of digital transactions.

Android antitrust ruling by the NCLAT

However, on March 29, the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) overturned four of the ten remedial measures ordered by the CCI in a separate antitrust order pertaining to Google’s Android business.

According to the NCLAT ruling, Google is not required to allow the hosting of third-party app stores on the Play Store and can continue to restrict the distribution of apps via the sideloading process. The company also does not have to share its proprietary Play Services APIs with competitors, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and developers, or allow users to uninstall pre-installed apps like Google Maps, Gmail, and YouTube.

The tribunal, on the other hand, upheld the CCI’s Rs 1,338 crore penalty against Google, stating that the competition watchdog’s order is free of ‘confirmation bias.’

In January 2023, the tribunal also denied Google interim relief on the Rs 936.44 crore penalty. The case is scheduled to be heard on April 17.

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