June 22, 2024





Your lifeblood are your lungs! Your lung capacity is how well your lungs can hold air and take in oxygen. The lung capacity decreases with time as a result of ageing, smoking, and lung diseases, and you must take proactive measures to increase it. Anyone healing from Covid who had the infection harm their lungs should think about strengthening your lungs. Significant damage, a drop in oxygen saturation, shortness of breath, etc. can all result from COVID. You can help yourself along with the medication to strengthen those lungs by engaging in these efficient breathing exercises! You can maintain and expand your lung capacity with the help of these powerful breathing exercises. The John Hopkins University has specifically advised using these breathing techniques!

A word of caution: If you have serious respiratory problems or are receiving medical care in a hospital, avoid trying these exercises. Before attempting any of these breathing techniques, talk to your doctor.


The best technique to strengthen your lungs and restore diaphragm function is through deep breathing. It is the best breathing exercise for building lung strength. You need to work on being able to breathe deeply throughout the day, not just while you’re at rest. Your anxiety and tension, which are undesirable side effects of the Covid-19 infection, may also be positively impacted by it. Thus, this is one of the most straightforward and efficient breathing exercises for building lung strength.


The most active breathing technique uses the diaphragm. In human respiratory system, the diaphragm is primarily responsible for breathing. When you’re feeling relaxed, you ought to perform this. Put your shoulders back and place a hand on each of your chest and stomach. When you breathe in, make sure your stomach expands more than your chest. Slowly exhale as the air leaves your tummy. 10 to 15 times, then. This breathing exercise can help you improve your overall respiration and lungs.


Absolutely what you read is true! That is also how easy it is. Additionally, this breathing exercise makes the breathing more active. To breathe in the maximum oxygen, it helps to open up your chest. Stretch your arms above your head while sitting up straight on your bed, taking deep breaths. As you exhale, lower your arms and smile for three seconds. For one minute, repeat. You will undoubtedly feel cheerful and rejuvenated after this activity. One of the most enjoyable breathing exercises for lungs is this one!


You must hum as you exhale throughout this breathing exercise. According to Hopkins University, humming during exhalation helps the body produce more nitric oxide. Nitric oxide aids in widening blood arteries throughout the body, including those in the lungs. This makes it easier for the lungs to perform by increasing the amount of oxygen delivered throughout the body. Additionally, humming is relaxing and helps us to decompress. Put your hands on your stomach while sitting erect on your bed. Keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth and your mouth shut. Enter your breath through your nose. Once the lungs are full, exhale via your nose with your mouth closed while generating the sound “hmmmm.” This breathing exercise will help to develop your lungs extremely effectively.

During this pandemic, it is crucial to keep oneself safe and protected.

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